Doctor - Patient Health Records

Doctor–Patient Health Records DRPHR.

Doctor–Patient Health Records (DRPHR) is a web based communications portal between doctor and patient using our flexible software as a service platform. It is designed to provide both doctors and patients the ability to safely and securely control and move health information anywhere.

Our flagship patent pending product Allutia version 2.0 empowers medical professionals and health care consumers by facilitating access to medical records and associated vital documents.

Allutia is built on the latest technology It is a translator designed and built specifically for Health Informatics to enable disparate health systems to electronically "communicate" information with each other. Fully secure and HIPAA Compliant.

Today's Health Care environment is rapidly changing. Doctor's became doctors out of compassion and a desire to make life better for those they serve. Navigating toward that simple goal is becoming more and more complicated....Read More...

Securing Patient Information
Less secure solutions use email for the online transmission of patient health information, in many cases violating HIPAA compliancy laws. DRPHRs Secure Patient Registration is HIPAA Compliant and provides absolute security of patients private information.
With DRPHR, your patients data is protected and chain of custody is maintained at all times.


Patients fill out an interactive form from your website and once submitted, the encrypted data is stored on a secure server.
Notification is sent that a patient chart has been completed with instructions to log into your secured server portal and view/print/download the patient's registration and health history forms.
This information can be directly downloaded into your Practice Management System.

Patient Charts can be viewed/printed/downloaded in various formats including:

  • CCR - Continuity of Care Record
  • PDF - Portable Document Format
  • Word - Microsoft Word Format
  • Text - Plain Text Format

CCR - Continuity of Care Record:

The CCR - Continuity of Care Record is a health record standard specification. It is a way to create flexible documents that contain the most relevant and timely core health information about a patient, and to send these electronically from one care giver to another.

The Allutia 2.0 CCR can be imported directly into most Healthcare Providers Practice Managment Systems saving time for Doctors, Dentists, Office Staff and patients.

It utilizes standard coding systems for Diagnostic Conditions and Perscription usage:

  • ICD9 - International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems
  • SNOMED - Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine -- Clinical Terms
  • LOINC - Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes, a database and universal standard for identifying medical laboratory observations
  • NDC - National Drug Code, a universal product identifier for human drugs

Click here to learn more about the CCR.

Health Care Providers who offer patients online registration either via a Pc, Office kiosk, or smartphone (iPhone, Droid, Blackberry) is a patient convenience and practice differentiator as well as providing Meaningful Use of Electronic Health Records.

Don't have a Website? No problem. You can choose from multiple levels of website templates from small to full function. Please visit our Services Page for more information.

Our parent company Wealth Create Webs LLC www.wealthcreatewebs.com believes that a web presence doesn't have to be expensive. WCW specializes in offering websites with low entry costs.

Feel free to call or email us if you have any questions.
We look forward to serving and believe you will see our business model, value offered,
and cost is the differentiator you're looking for.

Please browse our site to learn more about us.

We sincerely hope you'll find we offer the accessibility and personal commitment you need.

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We Support:

Race For The Cure
In Honor of Linda N
Diane M